*Access* Locals is all about accessing the abilities of People of Determination in your local area in an effort to make your business more accessible, and therefore more usable by everyone


  • They are the most knowledgeable regarding local accessibility for the tourism sector
  • Business can utilize their ability to host tours and create travel itineraries working one on one with the city's tourism sector
  • Create a customer service model for each destination and collaborate with stakeholders i.e. ‘Visit England’
  • Create a funding model for hiring and training people with various types of disabilities
  • Partner with the accessible tourism sector in various countries and develop an initiative that implements the training
  • Use knowledge from global tourism bodies who strive to become inclusive, accessible cities as models for employing people with disabilities
  • Use the knowledge of businesses currently working in this sector


you access local knowledge

For persons with disabilities it is essential to have information about accessible resources that they can enjoy. Being able to access that information by hiring the services of People of Determination means having a guarantee that your services and location will have the necessary quality and flexibility to meet your customers’ needs.

Persons with disabilities and specific access requirements are increasingly calling for a place in tourism activities. In response, many actors in this sector are already committed to initiatives dedicated to adapting their products to different consumer profiles in support of Tourism for All.