The promotion of accessible tourism is part of the strategies aimed at fostering awareness-raising among stakeholders from the public and the private sector, as well as other spheres of society. One of the primary goals of this promotion is to supplement campaigns supporting the adaptation of tourism infrastructure, especially when it involves the physical environment, means of transport and relevant services.

Moreover, such initiatives serve to establish new labour relations among all sectors of society and of the business world, setting new standards for tourism management based on the impact of the best practices in accessible tourism.

This section highlights examples of public or private entities that provide incentives for accessibility in tourism sector companies through awards or distinctions recognizing the efforts made by different actors.

The creation of an accessible tourism award benefits companies as they can leverage on the prestige they gain through the award, as well as from the organization granting it to promote accessibility. Depending on the scope of this type of awards (at the national, regional or local level) and on whether they have been created by private, public or mixed initiatives, the “health” of accessible tourism in the region can be evaluated, and the evaluation criteria can improve.

One example is The VisitEngland Awards for Excellence (VEAE) which represent the highest accolade in England’s tourism sector. The Awards recognize companies that incorporate best practices in their operation, and acknowledge aspects such as quality and innovation, thus contributing to raising the profile of the entire tourism industry and enhancing England’s position as a world-class tourist destination.

Within these Awards, the “Access for All” category is aimed at tourism enterprises that have promoted the added value of accessibility, providing access for all visitors, particularly persons with disabilities and other specific access requirements.

*From The Manual on Accessible Tourism for All